We created this series of 6-second films for “Machbaito.” “Mach” originally means “a speed of sound.” “Baito” means “part-time jobs” in Japanese. Literally, “Machbaito” is a job search site whose strength is that job seekers can find and start new part-time jobs in seconds.

To efficiently communicate this message, we took advantage of the shortness of YouTube Bumper ads. We condensed each typical Japanese part-time job into six seconds, depicting them through exaggeration. In this case, the time limitation of Bumper ads was the key to making these spots effective.

The films garnered numerous shares on social media, especially Twitter, where it ranked 9th in the daily “most shared tweets in Japan,” and attracted over 4,000,000 views. As soon as they were posted by Tokyo Otaku Mode’s Facebook page on December 1, 2017, they were shared over 10,000 times around the world. Since then, the post has been shared 13,790+ times and viewed 1,300,000+ times.

Ultimately, we succeeded in turning the weakness of Bumper ads into our strength.